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Hello!  Welcome to PT-extra with Dr Christopher Ford DC - Sports Chiropractor.


Let's boost your skills as a PT, (Physical Therapist) -  Manual Therapist / Physiotherapist / Sports Therapist / Chiropractor or Osteopath and give you that EXTRA edge.


You can offer something unique in your area, boost your income and even reduce your treatment time.


The ActiMotion™  assessment and Instrument treatment technique is unique as smartphone technology allows your patients to see their spinal mechanical issues in real time, watch you correct them and then actually see the results as well as feeling them.


It is a blend of Motion Palpation, Activator Method and PIM (Physiotherapist Instrument Mobilization) while also distinctly different due to the delivery of treatment, during motion, and taking advantage of inhibition in key muscles.


I have over 25 years experience as a Chiropractor with many additional methods, techniques and qualifications gained along the way. Having recently retired from practice to concentrate on writing books, I am now keen to give those skills back to therapists who want to give their clients more effective treatments.


The key is to focus on restoring nervous system function !


For example, I can teach you how to identify and locate a misalignment of the spinal / pelvic joints that lead to muscle and nerve dysfunction - they are extremely common, and maybe subtle but, unless fixed, your clients will never achieve optimal physical performance - as balance, reflexes, positional sense and muscle coordination are all disrupted. The conditions for injury are set. They will likely experience recurring pain, stiffness and degeneration.


The course for Physical Therapists contains an introduction to two complementary assessment / treatment methods / techniques, and subsequently full courses on each.


Both courses are very much focussed on assessing and affecting the Nervous System.


Dynamic Motion Palpation - An assessment of movement patterns specifically revealing Spinal Joint pathomechanics.


ActiMotion™ Instrument Technique* - An integration of joint mobilization with dynamic soft tissue therapy to improve spinal joint mechanics, therefore restoring neuro-musculoskeletal function. Results are seen with post-treatment Dynamic Motion Palpation. *Requires the purchase of an 'adjusting tool', I have a special relationship with the makers of the CAT adjusting tool and can offer discounts.

1-1 online coaching using your own patients is available with a chest mount for your phone camera, (£10 on Amazon)


I will teach amazing assessment methods and corrective techniques that I have used over the years with either elite sports professionals or everyday people to great effect. You don't need to be a registered Chiropractor to use these skills and they will enhance your knowledge and capabilities significantly.


Although there is no accreditation as yet, you will learn highly effective skills from someone fully trained with decades of successful and safe use.

Certificates with be available that may count towards CPD.


There are online courses and coaching sessions available to all members, plus the ability to feedback with questions and technique reviews.


I'm looking forward to helping build your PT toolkit!

Dynamic Motion Palpation

Instrument Technique

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